50 Facts About Me

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently, well, just doing a lot in general if I’m honest. I’ve been reading blogs and watching vlogs in my spare time and I’ve realised I haven’t been too kind to my own. It’s needed some planning and some brain storming but i’m hoping to keep it alive. For my first post back, I’m going for a 50 random facts about me post, as these are my favourite to not only read but to watch on YouTube! Also if I’m being honest, this is an easier post for my poor little hungover mind today so here goes!

[1] Ben and I had a puppy called Hans this time last year but we had to give him away (fortunately to someone we know so we can go and visit him) because he was too violent towards me, he was alpha and I had failed him and myself. He was unbelievably gorgeous and it was the first time I had my heart broken when we gave him to his new owner. Luckily he went to a family with another German Shepherd and they’re the best of friends, so at least he’s a happy pup.

This was him at around 12-13 weeks.


[2] I have 3 older brothers, one of which has a different Dad but I never see him as any ‘half’ brother, if anything, I see him as my second Dad because of our 10.5 year age gap.

[3] I have a sugar addiction. All I ever crave is chocolate and sweets. My favourite is Cadbury’s Caramel mmmm.

[4] I used to have an eating disorder and I’m not proud of it. It led onto another illness and it was just a crazy time of my life.

[5] I will be a married woman as of 13:30 on Saturday 20th June 2015. And I’m marrying the most gorgeous, amazing man in the world.

[6] Green, well mint green in particular, is my favourite colour. I have never been a huge fan of ‘girl’ colours like pink and purple, I guess that was the tomboy in me.

[7] Thailand is the most incredible place on earth, I found myself there and I cannot wait to go back. Honeymoon Ben? 😉

[8] I have three tattoos and three piercings we may soon be four! I’ll keep you posted on that one.

[9] I share all of my thoughts with my closest friends and family, unfortunately for them they know everything about me even down to my bowel movements and waxing stories!

[10] I have angry thoughts when I’m driving, I have such a good blog post idea for this! There are sooooo many drivers who wind me up and now that I have an hour and fifteen minute commute to and from work 5 days a week they really grind my gears even more. I am also a van man now 😉

[11] I used to be obsessed with guys with germanic sounding accents – or well just german guys. There was an air of mystery to them and I always told my dad I’d marry a German or and Austrian guy. Yeeeeeh that one didn’t pan out, Ben is as English as they come.

[12] I think I have an eclectic taste in music, a lot of people say they do when really they probably just like to use the word eclectic. However I think I do! I’ll name 10 varied artists I love: George Michael, Taylor Swift, Beautiful South, Chris Brown, Death Cab for Cutie, Ryan Cabrera, Spice Girls, Blink 182, The Corrs and Brian McKnight. I tried naming the more famous ones there so you’d get an idea.

[13] I have played the recorder, glockenspiel, electric guitar and piano from the ages of 9-16 at various points but would not have the confidence to play any of them now!

[14] One of my worst traits is that I do not stick at anything especially when it gets tough. I think this is partly the Gemini in me, we get distracted and like variety. This means I am a bit of ‘jack of all trades’ and master of none.

[15] I fucking love pizza, I can’t decide whether Pizza Hut or Dominos is my favourite and I am devastated I now live in the arse end of nowhere which no pizza place will deliver to! My belly will probably thank me for that though.

[16] The Fault in Our Stars film is probably in my top 3 of saddest movies. I cry the whole way through that heart wrenching movie and after I watch it, I go away thinking (for all of about 24 hours) I should be doing everything with a ‘YOLO’ attitude and tell the one’s close to me how much I love them.

[17] If I could change one thing about my body it would be to have a flat, toned stomach.

[18] If I could change one thing about my personality…hmm this one is a little harder, either I’d change number 14 or I’d like to stop lying. I am an arsehole for white lies but in the last year or so I’ve been trying to change this. Little things like ‘oh I can’t come because I have uni work’, those kinda lies. Now I am just honest and say ‘naaa I don’t fancy it’.

[19] Ever since I was young, I have only really liked to have ‘1 best friend’. I am pretty selfish and don’t like to share and also, it’s a pain in the arse telling like 5 people every single detail of  your day, updating them with everything from dates to feelings and gossip. I much prefer to have a close bond with one person and have lots of acquaintances. I think part of this stems from not really trusting girls either, although that’s really changed since leaving 6th form as my boy mates decided our friendships were worth wasting by trying to get into my pants!

[20] Stress makes me cry! This one I’ve learnt very recently with everything I have going on at the moment.

[21] My Dad is the most amazing person I have ever met. If anyone says a bad word about him *punch to the face*.

[22] When I was younger I really wanted braces and glasses, now I have two half-fake front teeth and I do actually need glasses which are irritating.

[23] As above, I have two fake front teeth from about half way down. I did it racing my then 15-year-old boyfriend in a car park , tripping on a speed bump and not doing the natural thing by putting your hands in front of my face and smashing them on the tarmac. Yeh, the hill-billy jokes before my dentist sorted it out were fun!

[24] I have previously cheated on an ex. I’m not proud of it but I also don’t regret it, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Only regret the things you did not do.

[25] I’m the laziest girl, I never take my makeup off before bed, I often forget my night time tooth brush, I barely blow dry my hair and I don’t wear makeup daily.

[26] Out of all of the ‘arts’ I don’t appreciate going to the theatre and actual art. I don’t enjoy the former and I don’t understand the latter.

[27] If I had three wishes, I would 1) wish I could speak all languages fluently 2) have a sick body and 3) wish my family and friends a lifetime of good health and good times.

[28] I love ‘me’ time. I like my own company which has something I’ve only just come to realise. A few years back there’s nothing I would’ve hated more than being alone but now I love it. I think it’s the freedom of being able to do what I want, when I want with no obligations. I think I personally need to the head room too.

[29] I had a ‘slutty’ year. After I broke up with my ex of 3 years, I went a little cray cray, or ‘Ray Ray’ as my closest would call it/me and didn’t give two flying fucks about guys feelings. I was probably sick of people not caring about my own and I did want I wanted. I don’t regret it at all, it was fun! Being single is awesome, so all you single girls, embrace the free life haha!

[30] I have a potty mouth. I can’t even control it around people I really should, such as my in-laws and older people. I do try though 🙂

[31] One of my favourite feelings in the world is the accomplishment after a run.

[32] I wish I could go back to school/sixth form. Those were definitely some of my favourite years.

[33] My side of the bed is the left side (as you’re in the bed itself).

[34] My favourite position to sleep in when Ben is on shift is right in the middle with both sets of pillows turned at a 45 degree angle cocooning me into a warm slumber.

[35] The majority of my underwear is either white, black or red. BORING.

[36] I can gain and lose weight very fast, so I have to be quite careful. Note to my future self before our wedding, don’t eat too many cakes chubby!

[37] I really hate Indian food to the point I can’t be in the same room as anyone eating it, it makes me gag!

[38] I used to wear boosty bras even when I had bigger boobs than I do now, but I only own one now which rarely makes an appearance. I just know I haven’t ‘got it to flaunt it’ haha.

[39] My top half of my body is a clothes size smaller to my bottom half and I don’t even have a big bum to justify that with! 😦

[40] Cheese and Onion crisps are my favourite flavour!

[41] One of my many nicknames when I was younger was ‘Tee Towel’, cheers Rozza! (My bro!)

[42] I’ve been lucky enough to not have anyone close to me die, so I’ve never had to feel that pain most of you probably have. It scares me so much. Although, I did cry my eyes out when our old family dog Kaiser was put down! R.I.P you lad.

[43] I still don’t understand how printing money causes inflation and everything surrounding printing money. It confuses me and I wish I’d taken economics for that reason.

[44] I studied French, German, Psychology and Politics at A-Level and I’m currently studying German and French at university.

[45] Being ignored is probably one of my biggest hates. With the advances in technology and we can now all see when one another is on their phones there is NO excuse to ignore people, it’s damn right rude!

[46] I love living in the countryside, I could never live in a city!

[47] I sometimes get Ben to read my books to me before bed – I’m such a child haha. Because I love it so much, I decided to start buying audiobooks too for when he’s not here, like tonight!

[48] Thursday is my favourite day of the week, everyone starts to cheer up and I can see the weekend in sight! Plus I don’t really mind my current job so weekdays are as enjoyable as weekends sometimes.

[49] My mums roast cannot be beaten. FACT.

[50] I hate hair extensions, why girls wear them I do not understand, they look so fake. Well, each to their own, if you wear them, great, I just couldn’t stand them. Plus my hair is so skanky and thin, you’d notice straight away if I even attempted to slip some in!

So there we go 🙂 a little more insight into my life. If you like the post, stay tuned and I will be updating much more on here in the days/weeks to come. I also think I may do a Blogmas, which will kick start my blogging efforts. This will probably include a lot of fitness chat as I’m doing another Will of Iron over chrimbo and I’ve started to up my mileage!

Ciao for now all xx

2 thoughts on “50 Facts About Me

  1. Welcome back Tay 🙂 I absolutely loved this post and you’ve inspired me to do one of the same. It is scary how alike we are in someways. I totally understand those Gemini traits you speak of, the one best friend and hating hair extensions. But I LOVE Indian food… I could eat it all day every day! Nom nom nom 🙂
    Cannot wait for you to do Blogmas!!!! Xxx

  2. Pingback: Driving Me Mad | Bucket List Adventures

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